Product Information (3)
Information on the science behind, and the benefits and features of
What do you mean by a Mission?
How do I unlock more Programs and Missions?
What are the Complementary Programs in a Mission?
What is Assess Mode?
Do the results of the assessment influence my Program recommendations?
How often can I do an assessment?
How do you determine which programs to train?
How long are the cool-down periods?
What data/results does provide?
Account Profile (6)
Information regarding your Account.
Technical (4)
Information on the Headset and app.
How will the Bluetooth affect me?
Why do we need users to allow permissions?
I am having trouble connecting to my Bluetooth
I am having trouble completing a signal check.
Why is it important to stay relatively still when do my training?
Signal Check Issues - Troubleshooting if all sensors are registering at zero